Upcoming Matches

  • Nov 5th, 8pm PST vs Chumps: 3-1

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Keep it in the Family

Last night we had a vs Match within the team for some good practice on 2Fort. We tried out some new strategies and tried out some new classes to round ourselves out some more. Some highlights of the night were Snide's placement of a sentry at the top of the stairs that just had us stuck for a LONG time. The great adjustment by the Blue team to come out with two medics and a heavy only to run into BallGame as a pyro and he Lit all three of them up! A great mano-y-mano battle between userlocalbin and BallGame on the back stairs of the red team's base where BallGame kept winning with less then 10 health. Silpac going on a tear with the soldier and keeping the Blue team pinned down in their own base. Bobby getting the pyro achievement by lighting up 5 people in 30 seconds! A fun night for all!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cool Wallpapers

I found some great Team Fortress 2 Wallpapers and Art over at Deviant Art. I personally grabbed this one for my iMac at home.

Good first Practice

Our first practice together was a pretty good one. We started out with some 2Fort action with everyone doing their own thing and not really working together. As the game progressed we learned to group up before attacking, leave the defense to the engineers and after a couple of rushes, we hit our stride with silpac and userlocalbin grabbing the intelligence a few times in a row FTW.

We then moved onto some Dustbowl action and the teamwork from 2Fort carried right over as we were using the deadly triple combo of Medic, Engineer and Heavy to hunker down in a bunker and just mow fools down. The team really gelled on this map and victory was never a doubt.

We met a deadly sniper last night and a killer demoman on the opposing team that we should try and recruit.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Our first Clan Practice

On Nov 5th, at 8pm, the clan is getting together for a practice session on Xbox Live. Some 2Fort4 and Dustbowl will be the order of business as we whack some fools by throwing their heads in the oven.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Welcome to the Goodfellas TF2 Clan Page

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be the engineer. To me, being the engineer was better then being the President of the United States.

The year was 1996 and Team Fortress was all the rage. We played every night of the week on the Quake engine with no voice chat and we dominated. There was Tommy, Franky, Pauly, Jimmy and myself...Henry. It was a glorious time for the first team, class based shooter and we were on top of the world. Then the unreal engine came out and things changed...people wanted shadows in their games, they wanted better lighting and smoother animations. The clan held together for as long as it could on the rumors of Team Fortress 2, but slowly we all tried the new games and moved on and the clan was no more.

Now, 11 years and many, many class based shooters latter, Valve has finally come through on it's promise with the released of the Team Fortress 2! It is time for the Goodfellas to rise again and take back our neighborhood of 2Fort4 and rise to the top again!

If your a TF 2 player, then go home and get your shine box and send me an email!